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Information, Communication and Technology, ICT Creates New Opportunities For Women

Jakarta (VOI-News) - To strengthen the south - south cooperation among developing countries, which Indonesia is one of its, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in cooperation with The State Ministry of Women Empowerment and also Information and Communication Ministry hold an International Workshop on Women Empowerment in Information Technology from March 23 to 28, 2009 in Jakarta. Indonesian Women Empowerment Minister, Meutia Hatta Swasono in her speech today said that based on the commitment in Tunis, in the world summit on the Information Society 2005, Indonesia is fully aware that the benefits of the information technology revolution is unevenly distributed between the developed and developing countries and within societies. According to her, Indonesia is committed to turning the digital divide into a digital opportunity for all, particularly for those who risk being left behind and being further marginalized. Therefore, Indonesia recognized that ICT had created a new opportunities for women.

"we also recognized that ICT had created new opportunities for women and contributed to knowledge sharing, networking and electronic commerce activities. We acknowledged that poverty, lack of acces and opportunitie, illiteracy and language barriers prevented women from using ICT, including the internet. Steps were proposed to ensure that women benefited fully from ICT, including equal access to ICT - related education, training and entrepeurship opportunities and equal access as producers and consumers of ICT through public and private partnership", she said.

Meanwhile, this workshop are followed by 16 participants from 9 countries such as Bangladesh, Philippines, India, Iran, Cambodia, Myanmar, Palestine, Sri Lanka, Vietnam and 8 participants from Indonesia. It is hope that from this workshop all participants can formulate the action programme to increase the rule and women in information technology at each countries.

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